Monday, August 3, 2009

Which one are you?

By Syrone Harvey, Executive Editor

Recently I bumped into an old friend that I hadn’t seen for a long time. Amidst hugs and squeals of, “Wow! You look great! It’s been so long!…” it all came to a screeching halt when I realized that my friend had no idea who I was. It became even more apparent when she asked, “So, which one are you?” I was a little disappointed but I answered her anyway, “I’m Syrone. Remember?” Of course she didn’t but she kept up the chatter until we finally parted with, “We’ll have to get together soon.” I guess I should’ve spoken up, but growing up as an identical twin, this was an all too familiar scenario.

When we were growing up, my twin sister, Simone and I were used to the stares, quizzical looks and curious questions, but neither of us thought it was acceptable that no one took the time to recognize us as individuals. It didn’t matter that I loved liver and onions but Simone hated it. No one realized that while I had a mole, (beauty mark) by my nose, my twin had been blessed with deep, expressive dimples. Aside from family, everyone lumped us together as one including our teachers who casually referred to us as ‘the twins’ simply because they couldn’t tell us apart.
Today, I am forever grateful that beyond my parents, sisters, family, close friends and my high school sweetheart, Michael (whom I later married) my heavenly Father never had to look twice or wonder ‘which one was which’. He was aware of our differences even before we were conceived.

As the Executive Editor of Hope for Women magazine, it is my desire that you will recognize your importance, value and significance to us. YOU are the voice and the image behind Hope for Women. We are committed to delivering a publication that will become a cherished and familiar friend. Somehow, with God’s help, I aspire to eventually meet each and every one of our subscribers, supporters and friends. I promise that Hope will be a magazine that is both friendly and easily recognizable. You will truly be inspired. Just remember, with Hope we’ll never ask, “Which one is which?” You matter. Without Him, (and you), there would be no Hope. Blessings to you____________!! (Fill in your name)

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